1. While logged in to your BrighterMonday Employer Account, click on Jobs at the side menu to view all your jobs
2. For jobs that you added an Assessment while posting, you will see an 'Assessment Active' tag on them.
3. From your list of jobs, click the Job Title of the particular job you want to view its applications.
4. You will then be directed to the Applications section of that job.
5. Within the Applications section, there are different tabs (sub-sections) on the right: All Applicants, Shortlisted, Scheduled For Interview, Hired, Rejected. See the image below:
The Application Status tabs provide a systematic way of categorizing your applicants. Each of these tabs enables you to easily manage your recruitment workflow.
The Different Applications Tabs (Sub-Section)
Overview Tab: This tab shows a summary of your applications. We show you the total applications per day, Applications split into their various statuses, and the breakdown of candidates by their assessment scores (for jobs with an assessment).
All Applicants Tab: This tab shows the list of all the candidates who have applied for the job
Shortlisted Tab: : This tab shows the applications that you have marked with the status ‘Shortlisted’. E.g Those candidates you deem fit to progress to the interview stage.
Scheduled for Interview Tab: : This tab shows the applications that you have deemed fit to interview after shortlisting.
Hired Tab: This tab shows the applicants that you have marked as ‘Hired’.
Rejected Tab: This tab shows the applications that you have marked as ‘Not Suitable’.
The quick filters shows the applications that you have marked with the status ‘Suitable' ‘Maybe' and ‘Not Suitable. These statuses are useful when you have viewed a little information about a candidate and considered a potential shortlist or someone who isnt a fit, but would like to view it in more detail later, to be sure or move them to the rejected tab. It is also useful if someone else in your organization is doing the second-level shortlist; you can use them as a form of first-level shortlist.

Did you Know?

- At the end of the recruitment cycle, the application status for any candidate should either be hired or rejected
- In the event you come across a candidate whose profile fits in with a role that you are currently not hiring for, then you can easily move them to a Candidates Filing System known as Candidate Pools.
- Each of the Status Tabs has a feature of Switching Page Layout which makes it convenient to adapt the screen elements to suit your preference